Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Without Words

This morning Lord, I came to Your Word with expectation.  I quietly and eagerly prepared my heart to hear what You were waiting to speak to me, but nothing jumped off the page.  I read the verses again wondering what I had missed.  Was my mind distracted?  Was I not focusing on Your truth?  Was there any unconfessed sin standing in the way?  Where was the verse that was going to carry me through the day?  Your Word is always alive and active, where was it breathing fresh life to my soul today?

I read once that God is sometimes silent with those whom He knows will continue to wait on Him.

Father, let me be one You can trust with Your silence.  Yes Lord, I will wait.  Maybe it's good to learn early in the year that there are silent days.  There are days when my coming and kneeling will be met with heaven's solitude.  But, in the quietness, You are there.  You were there.  Like best friends who can sit together without saying a word, understanding the special wordless exchange, You came and sat with me.  In the speechless encounter other senses were awakened.  I could taste that Your Word was still good.  I could see Your love, grace and mercy.  I felt Your nearness.  The fragrance of Your presence permeated this place of sanctuary.  I was held in a moment of holiness.  I closed my eyes and saw You.  I reached out my hand and I knew Your righteous right hand was holding me.

Father, may these quiet times each morning not always be about me.  Help me not to be annoyed and aggravated when nothing specific is spoken.  May it not always be the Word that You give me that is of most value, but may it be my longing just to be with You.  Teach me to sit fully satisfied in the silence.

Lord, I realize You don't need me, but You long for my companionship.  May I, Your child, be a cup of cold water in Your Hand, willingly ministering to Your Kingly thirst of relationship.  Let me embrace and welcome silence as a gift; the gift of knowing that words are not always necessary because our friendship is deeper and Your love unfailing.  You speak without Words.  You articulate Yourself to me even through speechless wonder.

Without uttering a sound, You have filled my heart today with our wordless conversation.

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1 comment:

~Grace and Peace said...

The Lord may not have spoken any words but yours were beautiful. I like the picture of old friends sitting together in silent communion.