Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Divine Insomnia

“That night the king had trouble sleeping…” Esther 6:1

King Xerxes had divine insomnia. The Lord kept the king awake for a purpose. Five years prior Mordecai had foiled the plans of assassins, and the time had come for his reward.

I have often been awakened in the middle of the night and had difficulty returning to sleep. When this happens a question comes to my mind. Lord, did you wake me for a purpose? Is there someone right now who needs prayer? I begin to pray for whoever He brings to my mind.

Other times sleep escapes me because the Lord has tried all day to tell me something, and now in the quietness and darkness of night, He takes His opportunity. My distractions and duties in daylight have ceased. He has my attention. Busyness and noise are no longer drowning out His still small voice. A still small voice that is either still and small in volume, or just sounds still and small because my spiritual ears have grown deaf and I do not recognize it the way I should when activity surrounds me.

The most precious times are when He takes my sleep simply to lavish His love on me. In the silence I hear Him telling me He loves me. Has He spoken these words often throughout the day, but I’ve failed to hear? Oh Father, I don’t want to miss anything You desire to speak to me.

Lord, may I not sleep so soundly that I miss hearing You call my name, “Joy, Joy”

“Speak, Lord, for Your servant is listening.” 1 Samuel 3:9

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Zoe Elmore said...

Hey friend, Your post today is wonderful and something I'm writing about in an upcoming devotional. Thank you for sharing God's great love for our son. I'm confident Joseph will one day pursue the Lord.

ThreeGirlyGirls said...

What a great post!! I needed to hear/read this today. Thank you for just being you all the time. :)

~Grace and Peace said...

I'm so glad to be catching up on your posts.

This one caught my attention - it took the king 5 years to recognize Mordecai's good deed. I never realized that. When I have read Esther, I always thought it was a few days or weeks afterwards. (This is the impatient in me coming out). I wonder if Mordecai became disheartened that his good deed was forgotten by the king? I know I would have.

Yet...our King did not forget. The timing was perfect.

Thank you for that bit of knowledge. What a blessing! I will keep that with me as I go through my period of waiting.